- Stuart Prike - ‘Remains’ in Word/PDF format - 5 booklets for 5 of the poems plus guiding students on how to compare in an essay
- Free spelling App - SirLinkalot
- KS1, KS2 resources - Literacy Shed
- British Library - How to make a mini book
- Twinkl - Handwriting sheets / Letter formation
- Online Gruffalo workshop, and lots more. Plus stories read by Tony Ross, author - 7 stories, Facebook
- Developing vocabulary and spoken language - Word games for families - Word aware Word games for schools - Wordaware. Thinking Talking
- A list of publishers offering free resources - The book seller
- Read great literature online - Free Ebooks, poetry, classic literature
- Read Free Literature - also includes study guides
- 50,000 free ebooks - arranged by genre
- 3000 Ebooks and audiobooks - free for children of all ages
- Audible stories - Free during this period
- Open Library Access - Free
- Children's books read online - Facebook
- Kids’ Poems and Stories with Michael Rosen - Free stories, poems, songs, and jokes - YouTube. Subscribe and only click on that name
- Houghton Mifflin Books - Learning activities based on numerous books
- Elamentari - Write and code interactive stories - free access during school closures
- Gutenburg - Download free books, e.g. Shakespear, Edgar Allen Poe, Frankenstein, etc.
- Solomon Kingsnorth - Free books in PDF, Word and audiobook format - Alice in Wonderland / Wind in the Willows / The Railway Children / The Jungle Book / Peter Pan / Black Beauty
- Reading aloud - Children can listen to stories being read aloud - YouTube
- Cambridge University Press - ALL 700 textbooks are currently available FREE in HTML format
- Hoopla - Public library online
- Creative writing resources - By Lou Enstone
- Trugs - Phonic reading games for all children, including those who cannot read or have dyslexia. Email: [email protected] for 20% off using cv2020
- Homework booklets by Garry Hammonds:
- Key Stage 3 - Dahl / Macbeth / Sachar / Dickens / Poe / Orwell / Steinbeck / Romeo and Juliet / Hunger Games
- Key Stage 4 - Creative writing / Nonfiction writing / Poetry – Nature / Personal / Society
- Dropbox files from Susan Strachan
- CrickerSoft - Reading and writing software for all abilities - Free during this period
- Core knowledge about GCSE literary texts which pupils should memorise: plot, characters, setting, context, themes, and key quotations
- Douglas Wise - GCSE English and English Literature resources
- Mr Bruff podcasts - Covering a range of English literature topics
- The Traditional teacher - GCSE English resources
- Driver Youth Trust - over 50 free resources, designed to help teachers get *all* of their learners engaged with reading, writing, communication
- Jane Considine "If schools in the UK close, I will be delivering daily English activities by video for pupils to complete at home. More details to follow. If you’re interested in your children getting involved"
- Love My Books - Creative, fun activities to support children's literacy
- Biff, Chip and Kipper books - online and audio
- David Walliams - One audio story every day - free
- Free online picture book activities - from books children might recognise - Anderson Press
- Peter Wharmby - Teaching resources - mostly audio of me talking about an aspect of English Language or English Literature - YouTube
- No Red Ink - builds stronger writers through interest-based curriculum, adaptive exercises, and actionable data
- Carter's Yard Phonics - Free access to Augmented Reality phonics cards - phonics and reading - images, text and ‘Zap codes' to view online and to print at home.
- Google Drive files - Shared by Ashley Booth
- Discovery Education - Free tool to make your own word puzzles
- The Reading Realm - Free home learning packs/book and library challenges/quizzes/discussion guides/games and stories written by children for children! You can also now draw/write your own stories, poems, reviews, diaries etc, in the app too
- TeachIt - KS3 resources / KS4 resources / KS5 resources / Home learning packs
- IXL - All ages, database of resources
- Epic - Free 30-day trial - instant access to a range of books (age 12 and under)
- Phonics Play - Free resources and a free trial
- Nessy - Help for children with Dyslexia - free trial
- Chris Grabenstein has given permission for teachers to video themselves reading his books online - royalty free
- CLPE - Free plans, videos, teaching notes for all year groups in primary
- EALhub - Home learning area
- EFL - Rivet - Free app recommended for those learning English
- Teach your child to read - free resources
- EAL Journal - List of resources
- The British Council - Learn English - English songs
- Audible - Free - Available in 6 languages
- Mathematical art - Create beautiful 2D and 3D mathematical models
- Third Space learning - Primary resources for schools, and parent/carers guides to learning at home/support/advice/resources
- Mathster - Free worksheets
- Blutick - Ages 11-16 curriculum
- Times table - Free App
- Dr Frost's maths - Free database of resources
- Khan Academy - Includes YouTube videos
- The Maths Mum "I’ll be running daily ‘live’ tutorials on my FB and IG feed covering maths topics and setting work for all primary school years. Also, regular Q&A sessions to help with any questions/problems"Maths Genie
- Number stacks - Free 14-day trial and resources
- Maths with parents - Free support with school closures
- Prodigy - Curriculum aligned maths platform - Free
- Times Table Rock Stars - Free, full access for schools
- Bond Bonanza - Free App helping children to move away from counting numbers up to 20 to turn them into instantly recallable number bonds
- Mathletics - Free trial for school and home
- TeachIt - KS3, KS4, KS5 resources / Home learning packs
- Manga High - Full, free access at this time - Game-based learning
- Maths Learn - Online tutorials for all ages
- First 4 maths - a few free worksheets (Yr 4/Yr6) to help engage children in maths at home - no login and all free
- My Mini Maths - (Yr 3, 4, 5, 6) Home learning packs ready to download
- Bedtime Maths - Fun, offline maths activities
- Sparx Maths virtual classroom - 2000+ learning objectives for KS3 and GCSE - Free during the school closures
- Parallel - Weekly 15 minute maths challenges – interesting, fun and challenging material that goes beyond school maths
- Matific - Free trial - Primary - 2000 maths activities
- GCSE - Study Maths / On Maths / MathsBot
- Free A-Level Maths course - Imperial College
- Dads Worksheets - FREE printable worksheets, online calculators, games, puzzles and tools such as a timer and converter
- KS3 fun, free science activities - From David Chalk
- Imperial College - Free online science resources for pupils, & guides for teachers/parents
- CGP app - Revise for AQA Science
- 23 equations - Learn your GCSE equations wherever you are
- GCSE Free Science lessons - Youtube videos
- Astro Quest - Complete online quests to help Australian scientists understand how galaxies grow and evolve
- Crash Course Kids - science with a bit of awesome - Youtube videos
- Cognito - YouTube videos
- Mystery Science - Free 1-year membership
- Biology Lab - Lab bench activities
- AQA Biology foundation - Workbooks
- AQA Biology - booklets
- Alchemie - Chemistry resources
- ChemMatters - Chemistry articles
- KS5 Chemistry - resources - Michael Adenekan
- ChemCollective - virtual laboratories
- CogSciSci - A range of biology, Chemistry, and Physics resources
- Chemistry and biology videos - Kay Science
- Physics, Chemistry, and biology - resources
- TeachIt - KS3, KS4, KS5 resources / Home learning packs
- For lower attaining pupils - resources
- Chemistry resources - Integrated instructions, chemistry revision sheets; quiz cards, KS3 retrieval roulette, Freyer models find and fix and collated biology slop - By Louise Cass
- Year 11 triple Chemistry - resources
- KS3 Chemistry and Physics - Revision questions / Activities
- Physics-tutor - A range of blogs on various physics topics
- AQA GCSE Physics - Explaining the FIFA method
- NASA for Kids - Games, latest news about the satellite launches, photos from the space and interviews of astronauts
- Royal institution - Make your own science experiments at home
- Education Place - Lesson plans for topics including - plants/energy/space/nature
- ICell - Explore cells - App or online
- UEN - Interactive science activities
- Edhead - Virtual learning online
- KS3 resources on a range of topics - By Tom Grafton
- Basic Genetics / PHET interactive simulations - virtual science experiments
- Royal institute - Christmas lectures. A series of lectures presenting scientific subjects to a general audience in an entertaining manner.
- James Dyson foundation - Challenge cards - how many can you complete?
- Periodic videos - Science-related YouTube videos
- Science Toy Maker - Make science toys and projects
Modern Languages
- Rosetta Stone - Free access - Wide range of languages
- KooBits - 10 Free websites for language learning
- Open Culture - learn 48 different languages online - FREE
- Learn 10 useful things to say in...
- Milan Presse - French magazines available to download
- TeachIt - KS3, KS4, KS5 resources / Home learning packs
- FrenchTeacher.Net - Secondary French free study packs
- One Third Stories - Free resources for learning French & Free digital story box
- Fluent in 3 months - French
- One Third Stories - Free resources for learning Spanish & Free digital story box
- Duo Lingo - A fun way to learn a range of languages
- Make a Coronavirus Time Capsule - to record this moment in history
- BBC - Free curriculum mapped videos
- Gelligaer Roman fort - Teaching resources
- TeachIt - KS3, KS4, KS5 resources / Home learning packs
- Historical association - 20th Century history
- University of Alabama - Free online archaeology and Egyptology Uni courses (create an account to log on)
- Museums from around the world - Virtual, online tours
- British Museum - Free videos
- BBC Radio 4 - The History of the world - podcasts
- 50 things that made modern economy - Podcasts
- Access to 500 Museums & Art Galleries - Free, online
- Future Learn -
Explore the architecture and history of Rome, walking around a 3D digital model of the ancient city, with this free online course.
- 165 History resources - By Karen Knight
- Teaching history - 100 objects from museums across the UK with resources, information and teaching ideas to inspire interest in history
- Open Culture - 6000 digital history books for children to read online
- Arctic Travel Experts created 'virtual lights over Lapland' tour
- Interactive earth science lessons - Explore the landscapes in Oklahoma
- Tutorful - Top Geography websites, YouTube videos, and resources
- Online film festival - Resistance in the Rainforest
- Reach out reporter - news and information about nature
- Virtual Tours / Aquarium - Virtual online tours - including zoos, landmarks in foreign countries, etc.
- BREEF - Coral reef virtual tour
- National Geographic - Information and games for children
- Seterra - Free world geography, online quizzes
- TeachIt - KS3, KS4, KS5 resources / Home learning packs
Arts and culture
- Parlia - The encyclopedia of opinion - mapping the worlds thinking
- National Gallery Scotland - Creative thinking and art practice
- Andrew Lloyd Webber's musicals - streaming free online
- Free Photography Challenge - YouTube
- Teach yourself to draw - Advice / Where to start? / Sketching-basics / How to get the proportions right - faces / How to draw faces / Drawing tricks!
- Teach yourself to sing: 14-day free trial
- Teach yourself to dance - Tap dance / Salsa dance
- Art for Kids Hub - YouTube videos
- Glued to my crafts - lovely simple ideas for creative artwork
- Quality assured Art resources - KS2 resources / KS3 resources / KS4 resources
- Expressive Arts resources - Riverside school
- Drama resources - KS2 resources / KS3 resources / KS4 resources
- Marquee TV - streaming arts and culture
- Concerts online - Various concerts held without audiences to stream online for people having to stay at home - list of live streaming concerts
- National Theatre - Streaming shows on YouTube every Thursday
- 76 free Musicals and theatre productions streaming online
- J P Brewer - View classic paintings online
- Walter's Museum - houses the highest artistic achievements from nearly every corner of the world
- Red Ted Art / Crafts for Kids / Art Bar - Craft activities for children and young people
- Facebook Virtual Choir - Duet with a choir online - Choral resources - Promenade Choirs
- Rob Biddulph an artist posting draw-along videos via Twitter here
- Google Arts and culture - Learn something new every day!
- UK parliament - Politics, history, citizenship, etc
- Silver cross - Junk modeling ideas
- Black history - Telling the story of the black British experience
- Home Crafting - https://www.theaterseatstore.com/blog/home-crafting
- A tutorial resource guide to photography and editing - Adobe
- Get creative with Digital Making at Home - New videos each week for 3 levels of experience
- Code.org - One hour tutorials in 45 different languages. -no experience required
- EraseAllKitens - Ages 8-14 - provides knowledge of terminology and develops thinking skills
- Tinkercad - Free software tools that help you to think, create and make 3D models online. MineCraft, Lego, and others
- Learn to touch-type - Free access
- ICompute - I.T. Learn Programming and Computational Thinking resources
- Codecademy - learn to code - free trial
- Tynkler - Coding for kids - Free premium access
- Purple Mash & Serial Mash - Free for all schools & also Free resources
- Blocky games - Games to help beginners learn computer programming skills
- Scratch - Beginners computer programming games/projects
- Education Minecraft - Learning activities
- Learn to play the piano - Free Apple App
- Music Gurus - Free resources that everyone can use for the next 30 days
- Music resources in English: KS2 resources / KS3 resources / KS4 resources
- Music resources in Welsh: KS2 resources / KS3 resources / KS4 resources
- @musicwithdrew - Free, daily music lessons for children on Instagram
- Rotterdam Philharmonic musicians team up online to play Beethoven's 9th
Movement and exercise
- Access Sport - Inclusive home activities - DOWNLOAD PDF HERE
- Active bingo cards - ideas for movement breaks
- PE with Joe Wicks - YouTube videos
- Dance Syndrome - plans to provide inclusive online dance lessons during this period
- Gnoodle - Energetic education - Fun, exercise ideas
- iMoves - Free, fun activities to get children moving
- Cosmic Kids - Yoga videos for children
- Take dance classes with Oti Mabuse - Facebook
Life skills
- Skills Builder - learning essential skills at home
- Real-life learning - Resources to support functional and life skills for children and young people during school closures
SEND specific resources and information
- ChatterPack
- A list of FREE Speech, Language, communication, Occupational therapy, and SEND resources for schools and parent/carers
- Free downloadable resources to support transitions, emotional regulation, attention to tasks and many more - on the homepage
- An A-Z information directory of SEND information/advice/support
- Resources with step-by-step instructions and tips on how to individualise - to aid attention, foundation skills and positive behaviour support
- ADHD and Me - a book for children and young people to help them understand what ADHD means to them as a unique individual
Now available as a digital download. Find out more here
- Lockdown essentials - A Facebook group sharing ideas/resources for SEND families
- 150 Sensory based learning activities - Inclusive Teach
- Simple science activities - For children with SEND - WeCanAccess
- Latest Coronavirus information for SEND parents - Lots more information in the articles on the left-hand side of the page (via the link to Special Needs Jungle)
- Simpson Millar - are holding a daily SEND Q&A session to answer any questions in the Education Matters group on FaceBook
- A video by Steve Broach, Public Law Barrister, explaining the coronavirus bill and the implications for disabled children
- Education and Learning foundation - Teaching, learning and assessment resources for young people with SEND
- CrickerSoft - Reading and writing software for all abilities - Free during this period
- Down Syndrome - A list of resources to support learners with Down Syndrome and their families
- Inclusive teach - FREE downloadable resources
- Kim Griffrin, Occupational Therapist - Daily fine motor activities families can follow along to at 11am on Facebook - the videos will also be available on Griffin OT-YouTube
- SEN resources blog - Advice, learning activities and recommended toys, books, and resources for children with SEND
- GoBoardmaker - Free resources
- Tobiidynavox 10 weeks of free content, leveled and thematic units created with Boardmaker - books, communication supports, speech/language activities for students with communication difficulties and SEND
- Accessibite - Free apps to support students who are blind, visually impaired, deaf, have reading difficulties
- BrailleWeek - Worksheets in Braille
- Visual impairment - Resources
- Journey for peace - An online project with a visual impairment awareness focus through the medium of comics
- SENDcast - Podcasts on sensory processing and dyslexia
- ALN Home School - Resources for parents of children with additional needs
- EasterSeals - Free visual timetable resources - to help with school closures
- Autcraft - A modulated and monitored, online site for autistic children and young people
- Reader Pen - A pen scanner for those with reading difficulties - that reads text out aloud in English/Spanish/French - Free 14 day trial - Sign up here
- Sensory Project - List of online, sensory learning resources
- APD support - Information and links about Auditory processing disorder
Websites offering resources for multiple subjects
- EYFS and Primary
- Free, daily maths and literacy videos - for primary aged children (Pedfed)
- The School Run - Free resources for parents - English, maths, science
- ABC Mouse - Reading, maths, science
- Academics - Games based on a range of subjects
- Kialo - Critical thinking resources
- CrickWeb - Free, online educational resources and games
- Classroom Secrets - Free learning packs
- Kapow - Art, music, IT, languages, relationships, wellbeing -14-day free trial
- TTS - Free downloadable primary packs covering a range of subjects
- Teach Starter - Free month subscription plus learning from home packs (Maths, English, science, wellbeing)
- Robin Hood MAT - 7 weeks worth of learning projects
- World united - Free worksheets for children
- Hungry little minds - Simple, fun activities for under 5's
- Oxford Owl - Phonics and reading games
- Early learn - Free to sign-up for one month
- ABCYA - Free educational games
- Purford Green School - Year 6 resources
- WPS Home learning resources - Year 1 resources
- TeachIt - Home learning packs
- Secondary, GCSE and A-levels
- Get revising - Resources by exam board and specification
- Stairway - Maths, Biology, Physics (by exam board)
- Massolit - Offering a free subscription during this time
- WLS resources - Free A-Level PE resources
- Gresham College - A-Level lectures online
- Higher education
- Open Culture - 1,500 free courses from top Universities
- University of Cambridge - Undergraduate courses and HE/Post 16 resources
- All Ages
- Introduction to Engineering - YouTube videos
- Humanities - Free resources including lesson plans/videos/activities - children can explore life's big questions: What is true? Why should I be good to others? How much freedom should we have? - Understanding Humanism
- The Economist Educational Foundation - Encourage critical thinking through child-led activities. Free weekly suggestions via their newsletter
- BBC is announcing a daily educational show for key stages and year groups on iPlayer, expanding BBC Bitesize, educational podcasts etc and BBC Four doing shows on A Level and GCSE curriculum
- Seneca - English, Geography, Maths, History, Biology, Spanish, French
- Teachit - KS3, KS4, KS5 - Primary - English, maths, history, geography, languages
- Great schools / WorksheetFun / All Kids / HomeSchool4Me - Free printable worksheets
- The De Ferrers Academy - Free digital books on a range of subjects
- Smithsonian - 8 Digital educational resources
- Improve your memory / Effective note taking and mind mapping skills - Scroll down via the links to find 5 free videos in the series
- Actively learn - standards-aligned assignments in ELA, science & social studies are now free for teachers through the end of the school year.
- Homework Elephant - Covering a range of subjects
- Every school - Free resources on a range of subjects
- Top marks - Covering a range of subjects
- The Education Hub - Ideas for Apps/craft/virtual tours/Online resources/Podcasts
- Teacher starter - Over 14,000 pages of curriculum-aligned content created by teachers + learning from home packs
- Teachers pet - Free home learning packs
- TES - A range of free resources
- Twinkl - Free access to all Twinkl resources for schools and parents for a month
- Infobase databases and video streaming collections - Username: JCS_Distance and Password: learning to access:
- WeCanAccess - Online learning videos - YouTube
Miscellaneous learning resources
- 5 day First Aid challenge - home resources
- The Great Exhibition at Home - Engineering groups home challenge - Free resource packs
- Boromi - Sign up for free daily play emails - an offline, home play activity using everyday materials sent daily (+ printable) - EYFS teachers/parents/ carers
- Adapt - Free revision app - available from Google Play and App Store
- Wellington College - Study guide/study skills
- Kidztype - Games to improve typing skills
- Open Learn - Free, online courses, Open university
- ChatterPack - Free resource - Developing children's vocabulary
- Google Hangouts / Zoom - Learning and interacting with others
- Gardening for children - YouTube videos
- T.K.S.S.T - Smart videos for curious minds of all ages
- Crayola / Colouring4Kids - Free colouring pages to print
- Disney - Online colouring
- Fun at home - Learning videos on a range of topics/ages
- Kent Wildlife association - Simple ideas for things you can do at home to help wildlife
- iDEA - An international programme that helps you develop/demonstrate your digital, enterprise and employability skills for free
- Expeditions App - Free virtual Reality Augmentation app for all ages, to take virtual trips around the world to hundreds of destinations.
For families - ideas for activities, advice and learning tools
- Rocket kids club - Everyone can watch and be part of our Rocket Kids Club Shows broadcasting live every Friday
- Make a Coronavirus Time Capsule - to record this moment in history
- 40 - free, super-easy activities - for young children
- Suddenly Homeschooling - A Message from a Veteran Homeschool Parent
- Sensory Stuck at home - A support group run by therapists/professionals on Facebook
- Occupational Deprevision and self-isolation - Dan Waldron, Occupational Therapist
- Designing a structure to your day at home - Emma Spillaine
How to keep your children engaged at home - Good morning America
Ideas for sensory fun at home - ChatterPack blog
- Home learning resources - Skills builder
- Scavenger Hunts - Free 'find a....' activity sheets
- A-Z of sensory learning activities - InclusiveTeach
- Cooking classes for kids - The Kids Kitchen - Facebook - Sign up newsletter and recipes
- Ways to learn through play at home - SEN resources blog
- Lots of ideas for activities at home - Scouts association
- Learning with Lego - Lesson plans - YouTube video
Survival tips for parents - Activities for home - 3 Psychologies
- The world's largest learning community - Pen Pal Schools
- Ideas for offline learning - Try this teaching
- Non-screen activities to do at home - Pobble
- Activities for home - Paw Print Badges
- 25 foods you can re-grow at home from food scraps - DIY and crafts
- Learning games online - PBS Kids
- Learning activities for the garden - Nature detectives - Woodland Trust
- Creative play and learning for children at home - The Imagination Tree
- 50 ideas of activities to do at home - ABC Does
- Online learning games - Sheppard software
- Build your own game - or play games with others online - Roll20
- Supporting learning at home - Dr Janet Goodall - Pinterest
- Online meetups - The Education Hub
- Play board games online - Board Game arena
- Virtual farm trip - American dairy association
- Edinburgh Zoo - Live streams: Panda Cam / Tiger Cam / Penguin Cam / Rock Hopper Penguin Cam / Koala Cam
- Virtual field trips - 30 locations
- Chester Zoo - Fun resources
- Fun science and art ideas using things you have lying about the home - Videos on Facebook - McKinleys 4-H STEAM Project Club
Inclusive anxiety/emotional support for children
- Supporting children with worries about Coronavirus - Information available in a range of languages
- Managing behaviour of concern - Empathetic stress support - Studio III
- FREE weekly webinars from Studio III on managing behaviour/stress/autism among other topics. Email [email protected] to book & to find out what's coming up this week.
- Free digital book and resources - explaining Coronovirus. Illustrated by Alex Scheffler
- Coronavirus information in a range of languages - Written by doctors of the world
- Bereavement support for children - NurtureUK
R.E and Prayer resources
*Check the location/time zones of live-streamed masses to calculate the UK start time. Time Zone calculator
- NATRE - KS1, KS2, KS3, KS4 - Free resources
- Spiritualism - English version
- Spiritualism - Spanish version
- Catholic Mass - streamed online
- Masses from around the world - streamed online
- Additional Needs Alliance - Free resources
- Teaching Hinduism - Article by Pran Patel
- Jehovah's Witnesses - Online readings, videos, bible
Other lists containing links to useful websites
- Scholastic - 50 places to find free resources
- BrightEducationHub - Various resources and information
- Scholastic - Resource bank
- Education Partnership - Resource bank for schools
- Amazing Educational resources A list of educational companies offering free subscriptions during school closures
- Seomra Ranga - Hundreds of free downloadable resources available
- Padlet.org - Hundreds of links to information/resources for schools and families planning for home learning
- Free educational resources for remote learning - Education tech companies offering free support/access during this period
- Kings School Rochester - Remote learning guide including various links to resources
- Head Teacher Chat - Free resources for schools
- E-Parenting - Free resources for GCSE, A-Level, STATs, 11+
- Kids Activities - A list of American companies offering free subscription at this time
- Engage Education - Free resources and information for parents/carers and school staff
- Sign up to ChatterPack's FREE monthly SEND newsletter here
- Virgin Media - A list of essential apps and guides to help you stay connected with friends, family and work colleagues without a smidgen of trouble.
For teachers and other school staff: Advice, information & learning tools
- CPD - Information and training on ADHD, autism, SLCN's, Dyslexia, Sensory processing, Working memory, ABI and other areas of special educational needs and disabilities - list compiled by Jarlath O'Brien
- Free TA courses - Maximising TA's / Home study / Open learn / Future Learn
- Free CPD and training opportunities - Via Andrew Kitterick
- Free CPD & Webinars - on Dance, PE, Pilates for kids, Mental Health & Wellbeing in schools
- Open Learn - exploring children's literacy
- Teach from home - Support for teachers - Google
- A video by Steve Broach, Public Law Barrister, explaining the coronavirus bill and the implications for disabled children
- A daily SEND Q&A session to answer any questions in the Education Matters group on FaceBook - Simpson Millar
- Advice for schools to continue learning at home - Digital strategy group
- A document with How-To guides on Microsoft Teams - for teachers and staff: How to log into Team / How to create class teams adding students manually
- Independent thinking - Advice for schools if they have to close
- Tom Sherrington - Five videos of one-day Rosenshine Principles Masterclass - 2 1/2 hours of free CPD
- The School Bus - Free resources to help teachers organise school closures
- STEM learning - Online CPD courses for teachers
- Twitter Online weekly chats - #PRUbookclub (Mon 7:30pm) | #SENexchange (weds 8-8:30pm) | #EYFSchat | #PrimaryRocks (Mon 8-9pm) | #SpecialEDchat
- Setting up a virtual School - Gary Spracklen, Headteacher, The Prince of Wales School
- Coronavirus Guidance for Schools - Guidance from NAHT
- Supporting the most vulnerable pupils in an event of school shutdown - Education roundtable
- Socrative apps - Free access - Fun and effective tools to gauge student understanding in real-time.
- Ed For Learning - Free access to curriculum-aligned lessons and assessments across the subject areas. Content is carefully scaffolded
- Kerboodle - Online assessment tools
- Britannica - free access for the whole time your school might need it. Teachers can set packs of content, create lessons, send/receive homework online
- Diagnostic Questions - An assessment tool that provides detailed insights into student understanding - Free trial
- LD At School - Learning disability webinars