New Maltby Pit Top Restoration and Quarry plans submitted for approval
Along with Maltby and Hellaby Conservatives councillors - Adam Tinsley, Simon Ball and Lynda Stables - I am opposing years of misery.
Action for Maltby, the councillors and others have been raising concerns about this upcoming plan for some months now. It is time to do everything we can together to get a better outcome for Maltby.
Maltby is sick of the HGVs, the smell, the endless promise for the pit top regeneration to be over. Now, the landowners want a quarry - more noise, more mess, more lorries.
Rotherham Labour council have let this drag on for way too long.
Our Labour MP has done nothing to hold the Labour council to account.
You can view the planning application at:
There will be a lot more said about this in the coming days and weeks.